
The Cub Scout Uniform

In Pack 46, we wear the Cub Scouts uniform “from the belt up.” This is commonly referred to as the “Class A” uniform.

For current uniform pricing visit our local scout shop http://www.westarkbsa.org/ScoutShop/ScoutShops or check the national online store at https://www.scoutshop.org/uniforms-and-apparel.

Patches Needed

Scout Shop staff can help you select the correct patches for the uniform. They are:

  • Westark Area Council council patch
  • Pack 46 unit numbers: 4 and 6, red patches with white numbers
  • Den numeral patch for whichever den the Cub Scout is in
  • World Scouting Crest

Temporary Insignia. Some patches they receive at events like Fall Cub Adventure and Family Camp have a little loop on the top and can be worn on the uniform as Temporary Insignia. The loop is attached to the right pocket’s button. Only one temporary patch can be worn at once. They can be added to a vest or blanket afterwards. Other Patches. The patches we get like the Pumpkin Patch patch and the Hiking patch for the first hike don’t go on the uniform. They can go on a Patch vest or Patch Blanket. The vest can be worn with the uniform at many Scouting occasions. They don’t grow out of a blanket, though. Both the vest and the blanket can be made. Patterns are available for the vest out there on the Internet.

Where do all the patches go?

Official BSA Cub Scout Uniform and Insignia Guide https://www.scouting.org/resources/info-center/insignia-guide/ or the local Scout Shop can help.

Uniform Closet

We have created a uniform closet. This is a collection of donated uniform accessories that have been donated by scouts as they move up the ranks. Please help this cause by donating used uniforms, neckerchiefs, slides, hats, pants etc. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle..

Pack Activity Shirts — “Class B” Uniform

Pack 46 has Pack 46 t-shirts (often referred to as “Activity Uniforms” or “Class B” uniforms) for sale for the Cub Scout and his entire family. Pack t-shirts are $10 each and can be purchased at Pack Meetings and some other events.

Wearing the Uniform

The uniform should always be neat and clean. The Cub Scout Uniform Shirt should be worn tucked in at all times. Especially in cold weather, Cub Scouts can wear a t-shirt (short or long sleeved t-shirt, not a rugby or polo or other collared shirt) under the uniform. It should also be neat and clean. Cub Scouts can wear jeans, khakis, or other neat, clean pants with the uniform shirt and belt. They should NOT wear sweat pants, track pants, or decorated or camouflage pants. Cub Scouts can wear any clean shoes with their uniforms (tennis shoes, hiking boots, sport sandals with covered toes like Keens, etc.), but no flip flops or other open-toed shoes. The Cub Scout Hat should always be worn forward, never backward or to the side. Only the official uniform hat should be worn with the Cub Scout uniform. It should not be worn with other clothes. The neckerchief should ONLY be worn with the official uniform shirt, and it should be worn any time the uniform shirt is worn. The Class A uniform (uniform shirt, neckerchief, slide, belt, hat) should be worn at Pack Meeting, den meetings, and pack activities where we want to project a sense of pride and togetherness (parades, etc.) or where there is a ceremony performed (e.g., flag ceremony, wreath-laying, etc.). The Class B uniform or Activity Uniform (Pack t-shirt) may be worn for activities such as hikes, campouts, service projects, where the Class A uniform might get dirty or damaged. A red “brag vest” can also be worn with the uniform. They are the place to display patches and pins that aren’t specifically to be worn on the uniform. Webelos Colors: the Webelos colors go on the right sleeve, just below the U.S. flag or the den number patch. Tip: pin it through the den number patch or the blue border on the bottom of the flag patch to help keep it stable, as it’s pretty heavy when loaded with Activity Badges. Webelos Activity Badges: ARE worn on the uniform, either (a) on the front of the Webelos hat, or (2) on the Webelos Colors. Either place is acceptable.